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Diamond Class (Year 6)

Welcome to Diamond Class!

Class Teacher: Mr Coy

Professional Teaching Partner: Miss Tatum & Mrs Peel

A Message from Mr Coy:

I am so excited to be working with Diamond Class this year. I understand that this is an extremely important year for all of you, both academically and because it is the last chapter in your St Mary Cray journey. I feel very optimistic about this year and I look forward to sharing in your achievements. Mr Frost and I will be working closely together to ensure that all of you can achieve whatever your ambitions may be. We sincerely hope that you are all ready to strive for success into Year 6, bringing with you the key ethics of hard work and respect: we only ask that you do the best that you can do! Let's make your final primary year the best one.

If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to contact me on dojo.

Don't forget to check our Class Dojo page to stay up to date with our learning in class!                  

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