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Emerald Class (EYFS)

Class teacher: Miss Duckering

Professional Teaching Partners: Mrs Matthews & Mrs Boyd

A Message from Miss Duckering:

I am very excited to be Emerald Class' Teacher!

The children will have a fantastic year: they will be nurtured and supported in all their development, becoming well-rounded, happy children, forming strong relationships, friendships and a love of learning. In our class, children will explore and develop their own interests and begin to solve problems, and we encourage children to learn together and from each other. 

We love reading and are always sharing books with the class, encouraging a love of story time and reading for pleasure. We share books together and during whole class story time and even have reading sessions with older children in the school! 

We hope your children enjoy their first year of school and all the joy and achievements it brings! It is an absolute pleasure to be their first "big school" teacher. If there's anything you ever need, our door is always open! Please feel free to message us on Dojo or speak to us at our classroom door."

Our Learning

Learning in Reception takes place inside and outside the classroom. We are very fortunate here at St Mary Cray as we have a lovely outdoor area for sand and water play, a large construction and building area, outdoor Den, mud kitchen and gardening area and a bicycle and Physical Development area. We also have access to our Forest School for weekly lessons and access to our school field and playground. The children enjoy investigating all the different areas in our setting, allowing them to explore, problem solve, grow and develop in a range of ways. We value both teacher directed learning (activities completed with guidance from an adult) and child initiated play (when the child decides how they will learn and develop through play). 

Each half term, the children learn about a new and exciting topic - please visit the Learning in Emerald Class page. Please also visit our whole school curriculum pages to find out more: Learning Excellence > Our Curriculum > visit the EYFS page. 

We believe in Reception that it is incredibly important to form positive relationships with both the children and their parents. This is the reason we have continuous contact with parents through ‘Class Dojo’. Using this classroom based app, parents and teachers are available to contact each other. Parents can also view our School and Class stories to view our learning, photos, information and receive notifications of their child's Dojo points. We speak to parents at the end of each day, hold parents evenings and do home visits at the start of the year.

Please read our section links for more information on our Early Years Foundation Stage!


Don't forget to check our Class Dojo page to stay up to date with our learning in class!                  

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