Art and DT
The Art and DT curriculum at St Mary Cray engages, inspires and challenges our pupils.
Our Art curriculum equips the children with the knowledge to use a range of materials creatively and to use drawing, painting, collage and printing to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination. The children will record their observations and explore line, colour, pattern, texture, form and space when creating their own pieces of art work. As part of their learning they will discover the work of a range of illustrators and artists, what or who influenced them and be able make links to their own work.
Design Technology requires children to identify needs, generate design ideas, plan, make and appraise. In EYFS children will use a range of materials to design and make products. The children will complete three projects in Years 1 - 6; Food and nutrition, a functioning product and a sculpture or textile project.
At St Mary Cray Art and DT are taught as discreet subjects but they also span the curriculum and support work in other subjects such as History and English. This provides the children with a rich, stimulating and varied curriculum.