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Attendance and Absence

Remember: “Every day counts!”

At St Mary Cray Primary school we have high expectations of attendance from all pupils. Our school target for attendance is 96.3% which is above the national average for attendance in primary schools. Please make sure that your child is at school on time and here every day, unless they are ill. If your child is absent from school please let the school office know.

For safety reasons please remember to let the school office know by 2:30pm if a different adult is collecting your child. Miss Coupe is our Pupil Support Lead (PSL) who liaises with parents to help support good school attendance. Mr Jamieson the Headteacher, is our attendance champion who works with Miss Coupe and our Education Welfare Officer (EWO), to strive for every child to be in school as much as possible.


Children need to be in school by 8:55am in order to receive a present mark in the register. If children arrive between 8:55am and 9am, they must go to the office and sign in the late book. They will then receive an authorised late mark. If children arrive after 9am they must still sign in the late book but will receive an unauthorised late mark. Whole school learning begins at 9am, and any child arriving after this time is missing out on vital learning time.

Children’s attendance is celebrated with a variety of weekly, termly and annual events.

 When pupils attend school they...

  • Can achieve their full potential.
  • Develop key social skills.
  • Have better career prospects.
  • Learn how to look after themselves and be healthy.
  • Grow in confidence.
  • Make friends.