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Summer Fair 2024


All stalls will be paid for in tokens following our successful trial at Christmas; tokens will be 50p each, and we offer the following discount on bulk buying:

Buy 5 tokens at £2.50 and get 1 free
Buy 10 tokens at £5 and get 2 free
Buy 20 tokens at £10 and get 5 free

Tokens will be paid for in advance, and are on sale from Monday morning. All pre orders of tokens will be given out via the classes on the day on the fair.


The Summer Raffle goes on sale on Monday and will be called at the end of the fair.

The Auction of Promises will be held at the end of the fair just after the raffle is called, thankyou so much to everyone who has kindly donated auction items!

You will get a chance to bid on these in the week leading up to the fair, so all bids will start at that price (the highest pre bid we have) at the fair.



Any good condition unwanted toys for the toy stall would be great! Also extra bottles for the hoopla stall would be greatly appreciated


If any parents can help on the day set up is from 1pm and stall help is from 2.30pm to 5pm clear up, please let Terri know what you can do!