School Photos - 1st October
Say “cheese”!
On Thursday 1st October 2020 our school photographers, Bentley Photographic, will be visiting us for our annual student photos. Please ensure your child/ren arrive to school in time in full school uniform.
If Thursday is your child/ren’s PE day, they will need to come into school in their school uniform and not their PE kit. Please ensure they bring their PE kit in for the afternoon session.
It is with regret that there will unfortunately be no sibling photos this year. As I’m sure you can understand, the presidence at this time is the health and safety of all at school. Due to Covid-19 health guidance, we are unable to gather children in the hall for the sibling photos. As we now have an earlier lunch break to stagger and social distance the children in the hall for lunch, we are restricted by time to run the session in a different way.
Thank-you all for your continued understanding and support.