Weekly Homework
Children will be given 1 piece of maths homework and 1 piece of SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) piece of homework each week on a Monday with an expectation that this will be returned by the following Monday.
Children will also be expected to log into Times Table Rockstars to practice their times tables at least once a week; if children are unable to do this at home, there will be opportunities for them to play Times Table Rockstars during break or lunchtimes.
Throughout the day children will read for a variety of purposes. They will be taught specific reading skills with the teacher and the teacher will also read a variety of quality stories to the children. To support this, we recommend that all children read for at least 15 minutes a day before or after school. Please sign your child’s Reading Record book each time they read.
Reading records are checked daily and Dojos are given as awards and incentives.
Please ensure that you discuss what has been read with your child by asking a range of comprehension questions. See the link to 'Reading Vipers', attached at the bottom of this page. This document will give you invaluable information about the kind of comprehension questions that you should be asking your child whilst reading.