Learning Excellence
At SMCPA we have a rich curriculum. In English our learning is centred around quality texts that immerse children into different worlds with exciting characters. We use teaching approaches that create engagement and a love of Literacy. In Maths we identify the next steps learners need to make and then focus on closing those gaps. As mathematical skills become secure we apply them in a range of contexts.
The teaching of British values (democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith) is interwoven throughout our curriculum as part of our social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) teaching. British values are also taught through our personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme ‘Jigsaw', which looks at how young people apply these values in every day scenarios. The school also enhances this learning through pupil’s experience such as the ‘Life bus’, or half-termly whole school days focusing on social, moral, spiritual and cultural learning. Our foundation curriculum and the texts we use to teach English are carefully planned to offer opportunities for our pupils to explore contemporary issues in modern life. An example of this is would be 'There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom' by Louis Sachar which explores the concept of relationships, emotions, values and friendship.
Our PE sessions involve input from specialist PE coaches to provide enriching sporting activities both indoors and out. In Computing we use digital tools across all areas of learning and additionally we spend time developing our Computer Science and ICT ability. In Reception and Key Stage 1 children have daily Phonics sessions in smaller groups to allow focused teaching. We use Letters and Sounds with elements of Read Write Inc and Jolly Phonics to give learners rich, quality provision.