Pupil Premium
Our Pupil Premium Strategy
At St Mary Cray Primary Academy, we are committed to supporting all pupils to overcome any barriers to learning. We recognise that our families have a wide range of needs and they also have many strengths. Our aim is to ensure that all children who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant will make at least expected progress, achieving as well or better than those nationally. In addition to this, we expect that all Pupil Premium Pupils will achieve as well as non-pupil premium pupils.
Current Academic Year
In 2024-25, continuing the negate the gap between pupil premium pupils and their peers, and supporting vulnerable children to build their academic resilience continues to be a key aspect of the School Improvement Plan. We aim to explore teaching and support that can effect this positive change.
How We Measure the Impact of the Pupil Premium Grant
St Mary Cray Primary Academy we have a rigorous Assessment cycle that is overseen by the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for curriculum and assessment and Inclusion. Progress of all Pupil Premium (PP) children is discussed at termly pupil progress meetings. Our school SENCO attends these meetings to ensure that all children's needs are met.